Every now and then something information comes along which is so important that you have to sit up and take notice. This is one of those times, so I urge you to take the time to read this and take it seriously.
It's good news for a change
The following information is taken from a video recorded by Professor Roger Seheult, an American Medical Doctor.
I will summarise the information in the video. For those who want a greater understanding or watch it all, here it is:
Professor Seheult discusses the results a many studies in connection with the impact of Vitamin D on acute respiratory infections (ARI), including influenza and COVID 19. Many of the studies are observational, which means that there could be other factors other than Vitamin D which are causing the observed reactions. He does however also discuss randomised, placebo-controlled studies, which are the gold standard, in which the outcome of Vitamin D supplementation is measured.
Vitamin is short for vital amine. Vital means it's essential for life. An amine is a type of chemical. We can only produce enough Vitamin D if we have enough sunlight or by dietary intake.
A problem is that we only spend 7.6% of a day on average outside and that in winter, with shorter days and a much lower sun, we cannot absorb enough UV B rays to produce the Vitamin D we need. In fact, studies have shown that if you live above the 35th parallel, you can't get enough sun in winter. Our problem is that the 35th parallel is south of Spain, so in the UK, there simply isn't enough winter sun. That leaves dietary intake as our only means to get the vitamin D we vitally need.
- We have known for over 100 years than Vitamin D deficiency is inked to an increase in infections.
- We also know that as we age, we are less able to produce Vitamin D from sunlight. Typically, a person over 70 produces less than half that of an 18 year old.
- Obesity decreases the availability of soluble Vitamin D.
- Vitamin D levels are highest amongst white skinned races and decrease with skin darkness.
- The months where Vitamin D deficiency is at it's worst coincides with spikes and increases in the flu
A British meta analysis of 25 gold standard studies, which means they grouped all the studies together to get an output, concluded that increased Vitamin D levels in the body did decrease ARI's. It was recommended that Vitamin D fortification in food was implemented to improve Vitamin D levels.
A study of influenza in schoolchildren showed that those who were supplemented daily with Vitamin D had a 10.8% prevalence to getting the flu, compared to 18.6% for those given a placebo.
A study of mortality from COVID showed 3 significant factors:
- Age
- Obesity
- Race
These 3 factors are exactly the same as those with Vitamin D deficiency, which suggests a link.
COVID mortality typically increases the further away you live from the equator. There are exceptions as other factors play a part. For example, Nordic countries, which are a long way from the equator, have lower mortality than Spain or Italy, and this is thought to be because supplementation in Nordic countries is high, whereas Vitamin D deficiency in Spain and Italy is high.
All countries below the 35th parallel have relatively low COVID mortality rates, mirroring the sunlight observation cited earlier.
- A study of 14,000 COVID positive patients in Israel showed that low Vitamin D levels doubled the risk of hospitalisation
- A USA study of 191,000 patients COVID positivity rate showed a clear inverse relationship with Vitamin D level. The higher the Vitamin D, the lower the rate. This study also looked in detail at the rate by geography, race, age and sex and found that in every case the higher the Vitamin D level, the lower the rate.
- A study of 20 European countries looked at the number of cases and mortality of patients compared to the average Vitamin D levels in each country and found an inverse relationship. i.e. the higher the Vitamin D, the lower the number of cases and the lower the mortality.
- A randomised controlled study of COVID positive patients who were given Vitamin D supplements, showed 2% went to ICU, compared to 50% from the placebo group. This study was only 76 patients and is going to be repeated with a larger population.
- A French study of nursing home patients showed that those who were given 80,000 iu per 2 to 3 months had a much higher survival rate than those who hadn't had any Vitamin D in the previous month.
There is a very positive message here and it's good news for a change
Clearly a lot of studies are suggesting there is a strong correlation between Vitamin D levels and acute respiratory infections (ARI). Evidence shows that COVID cases, ICU and mortality are all inversely proportional to Vitamin D levels. That means the higher your Vitamin D level, within limits, the lower your chances of getting COVID, needing ICU and it being fatal.
It is very important that you do NOT read this and think that this is an alternative to a vaccine. The only real hope we have of beating COVID is by mass vaccination.
However, the evidence suggests that you can tip the balance strongly in your favour by simply ensuring your Vitamin D levels are sufficient.
Really it's a no brainer. Why wouldn't you do this?
This does pose a problem, as firstly there is no agreed level for daily intake. Some suggest 4000 iu, others up to 10,000 iu. Secondly, I am not qualified to recommend anything here and suggest you talk to your GP or chemist.
Nicky & I have been strong advocates for vitamin supplementation for many years. We have increased our daily intake to 9000 iu as a result of this video. That's a personal choice and is not a recommendation to you. Get professional advice