You Spoke
Recently we asked for feedback on your thoughts on our clinic and most importantly, how you would like us to improve. I'm really pleased to say that we had some great responses which have given us plenty to think about. We have given all who responded a free massage and of course we held a draw as promised and the winner now has £250 credit in his account. A big thank you to all who took the time to help us.
We Listened
Of course, there were a number of issues raised and we listened. We have already started an action plan to deal with the ideas and concerns raised in order of frequency raised. The number one issue by far was a request for more information. Overwhelmingly, you wanted to see more use of social media, specifically Instagram and Facebook.
You Want More Information & More Social Media
I'm delighted to tell you we already have a new capability up and running and from now on you are going to see a lot more presence on both Instagram and Facebook. Nicky has already created over 50 video's which will over time be recut and added to these social media platforms. Not only that, Nicky has recently been on USA radio again, being asked for her expert opinion on alternatives to opiates for treating chronic pain. This also provides more content.
You requested more information before your first visit, what to expect when you arrive, more information on what we treat and how we treat and also on the capabilities of the therapists so you understand better who you should see for a particular problem. All of this will gradually be added and one by one we will provide you with the information you requested.
Please Share
We are passionate about preventative health and about the unquestionable merits of face to face, hands on treatment. Sadly, these are services which seem to be disappearing. Could you help spread the message by sharing our posts with your circle of friends. One day, one of those friends may be desperate for real, preventative health care.
Here are the links
If you are in pain, we can help.
Call Now. 01889 881488. Erica, Jean & Charlotte will be happy to help